"Solutions for Success"


In My Opinion….

...A collection of blogs on topics of interests to leaders, advocates and professionals.

Thinking About this Word--Leadership

Leadership is constantly being defined, explored and exercised by many. Some of whom have no business in the role and many others who carry out the role with dignity, respect and compassion. Recently I listened to a webinar on authentic leadership hosted by Harvard Kennedy School (hks.harvard.edu). The speaker, Dr. Nathalie Laidler-Kyler, was phenomenal and what she offered was insightful. I found what she shared very aligned with my believes on leadership.

Especially, the five practices she shared based on Bill George’s book, True North, resonated with me.

  1. Be Intentional-Understand your history : Ask yourself: What shaped you? What major events impacted your life? What is your life story? Who are your role models? And, what did you learn from them?

  2. Take Stock in Who You are Now: Explore your own personality and be honest with yourself. What are your personality traits? How do they influence your thinking, your decision making?

  3. Reflect on Your Success: Ask yourself—What has contributed to your success? What makes you feel successful? What about various situations worked well to give you confidence in your own success?

  4. Remember the Power of Words: Words shape reality; they influence. Think before speaking. Ask yourself, how will others hear what I am saying? Will my words have the impact I envision?

  5. Lead with Heart: Leading is not easy. Remember to exercise empathy for self and others, compassion for the team and self, authenticity, vulnerability and courage. Always seek a positive impact.

Now, this is not new information. I have heard and read it before. But, the webinar was a good reminder especially this week given the change taking place in Washington DC. Thinking about this word Leadership—it is ironic that this new administration in DC took office on Martin Luther King’s day. A day when we are reminded to hold on to our collective dreams for a just, equitable and inclusive society that cares for All. "‘Remember leadership comes with power and power comes with great responsibility.’

Marta Rosa