"Solutions for Success"


In My Opinion….

...A collection of blogs on topics of interests to leaders, advocates and professionals.

It is 2025! What is Your Plan for Success?

Every January we get the opportunity to reflect on the past year while envisioning what we can do differently to ensure our future success and well being. Depending on how you feel about how the past year treated you and/or what season of life you find yourself in your outlook will be influenced. My recommendations are simple for this year 2025 !

  1. Be kind to Yourself: There will definitely be lots of challenges; deal with them one at a time—YOU CAN DO THIS!

  2. Give yourself GRACE: When you feel you are falling short on reaching your goals-STOP-Reassess-Catch your breath and Renew your commitment while evaluating your reality.

  3. Seek Advice: We all need a bit of help most of the time. Reach out don’t struggle alone.

  4. Laugh Often: Life is short don’t take everything so seriously-find the fun in every circumstance.

  5. Make Time for You: Responsibility pulls us in multiple directions-take time for that cup of coffee, the gym, dinner with friends, a glass of good wine, that book you have had on your reading list, or just go on a walk.

  6. Balance your Time: Don’t spend all your time on work related tasks; we all have 24 hours to manage—Balance is key to leading a joyful life.

  7. Hug Someone: Research says we all need human connection-don’t be afraid to hug someone you love, admire or care about each day.

  8. Release the Past: Let go of the things that cause you pain. It is good to learn from the past but we can not live in the should-offswould offs-could offs! It is energy wasted!

  9. Forgive Yourself and Others: Forgiving brings us peace and serenity; let go of any and all ill feelings and grudges.

Someone told me that 2025 is equal to the number 9 (2+0+2+5=9). I looked it up and found that in many cultures 9 signifies completion, finality, and the end of a cycle to begin another. It is often the symbol of perfection or wholeness, being the last single digit number in the decimal system and representing the highest value within that range.

Therefore my recommendations encompass just 9 in honor of 2025! Meditate on the meaning of the number 9—What does it mean for you? Perhaps there are items on your list that need to reach completion this year to make way for a new thing. Above all—Enjoy the blessing of a new year and be grateful for the new opportunities to come.

Marta Rosa