These Times Call for Active Vigilance: Do You Agree?
Ever feel you are on a roller coaster about to turn over and loose major stuff?
Vigilance: by definition, watchfulness-attentiveness-alertness-to be cautious or on your guard. And, 2018 has given us a loud mandate for us to remain vigilant: alert-cautious-and on our guard. You might ask –Why? Have you kept up with the media lately or the white house?
Some of our hard fought rights are in jeopardy of becoming a thing of the past. Just watch the supreme court choice appointee hearing. Therefore, We Must Remain Vigilant! Haven’t you felt lately like you are on a roller coaster about to loose major ‘stuff’ as it turns? And, how many times have you yelled, ‘This is unbelievable! or You have to be joking, we have to fight for this again?’ These are the times we are living; times that call for vigilance. Consider that:
· A woman’s right to choose ought to be a given by now; yet those in some high places want to make our decisions.
· A black man ought to be able to sit in his own home without getting shot; yet a black man recently lost his life while sitting in his own apartment.
· Children should not be separated from their families; yet over 12,000 have been separated and held in camps.
· Immigrants ought to be able to ask for asylum at our border; yet they are arrested for coming and their children snatched away.
I could keep the list going but you get the picture.
But, there is some good news. This month, we saw candidates of color and especially women make history in Massachusetts’ primary election. Ayanna Pressley, Rachelle Rollins Nika Elugardo, Liz Miranda, Jay Gonzalez and Jon Santiago all rocked the political establishment. In the late 80’s I remember celebrating my then historic, electoral city win along with Nelson Merced’s state level win and Betty Bacca’s city win. I am happy to say that those first, three historic Latino elected seats have multiplied across the Commonwealth amplifying the voice of Latinos within policy leadership circles; even reaching one of the highest legislative leadership positions House Ways and Means-many will miss Chairman Jeff Sanchez. But, what is exciting, is that we are seeing a wave of progressive women and men take a stand on critical issues. I salute them for stepping out, speaking up, running for elected office and winning!
While some advocate or demonstrate, some run for elected office and some of us now serve as advisors, All of us must stay VIGILANT! These are challenging, often confusing times, staying informed and educated on all the critical issues and the candidates is a MUST!
What are your thoughts? What advice would you share? What are you doing to stay on top of the times? Take a moment to share.